by David Quick

3 Simple Ways To Inspire Your Team – Harness The Power Of Your HERD!

Remember, “you have the HERD you deserve!”

When’s the last time you sparked passion from someone on your team? Was it today? Was it sometime this week? This month? Can you even remember?

As an executive coach, I’ve seen far too many times where leaders miss key opportunities to effectively create passion inside their teams (HERDS), or worse, don’t even realize that their HERDS need inspiration and passion.

Passion is a key ingredient to effective leadership because it helps those around us to reach both their individual and our HERD’s full potential. If you find yourself struggling with how to create passion and inspire your team, then start with the following steps:

  1. Be sure to regularly communicate the vision or mission of your company to your team. The more frequently you can do this, the better. I recommend doing it until you see eye rolls! When implemented, most people will be willing to go the extra mile just by knowing where the company is headed and the impact each member of the HERD can make.
  2. Pinpoint the possible leaders on your team and spend time investing in them. This does not mean that you just brush off everyone else, but instead, take extra time and focus to inspire those who you know will help move your HERD and company forward.
  3. With these same leaders, find out what they really desire. This means to help them discover their own vision or mission. When you find out what that is, then give them the resources necessary to help hone in their skills to accomplish this vision.

The clearer you can be with your team about where the company is headed, the more inspired they will be. Now go “harness the power of your HERD” by sparking passion and inspiring your team and see what great things will come of it!

If you’re interested in learning more about how to “harness the power of your HERD,” then click here to schedule a free executive consultation. Or, if you’re just curious about how I help executives and their businesses, shoot me a note or give me a quick call. [email protected] or 727-470-0877.

Lead Boldy. Succeed Brilliantly.

Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.

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