How does your company hire new members of your herd? What do you ask them to ensure that they’re a great fit? Oftentimes when I ask these questions I hear, “Well, it’s more of a gut thing. If I’ll like working with them, that’s most of the battle. I can teach anyone anything.”
Maybe that’s true…But, what if it’s not? What is the down side to approaching hiring with such little rigor or intention?
The down side is disengaged employees who don’t perform like your best leaders. This drives down business results and can spread through the herd like an infection. Sounds bad, right?
It doesn’t have to be that way though. There are so many tools out there that can give you an objective read on whether or not this person is going to be a good fit – not only for your company, but for the specific role you are trying to fill. I have many clients who come to me and we use a tool to Assess their Herd, we discuss the challenges they are facing and ultimately some clients will move employees around because they recognize they’re not sitting in the right seat for the herd to win.
If you’re wondering whether each member of your herd is in the right seat, check out my Assess Your herd page. You can take the assessment for yourself or get a demo. Either way, we can talk about it afterwards – all for free.
If you’re just curious and want to speak to me directly, shoot me a note or give me a quick call. [email protected] or 727-470-0877
Lead Boldy. Succeed Brilliantly.
Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.