by David Quick

Thursday Thoughts: Episode 01

Thursday Thoughts | Episode 1: Attracting A-Players

In this first episode of Thursday Thoughts, I reflect on the importance of A-players in a team and how entrepreneurs' perceptions shape their ability to attract top talent. While we all recognize the advantages of having high-performing team members, our mindset and the way we interpret our environment can often cloud our judgment. Drawing from The Three Laws of Performance, I explore how our perception directly influences outcomes—and I’d love to hear your thoughts in return.

True leadership isn't about doing more. It's about doing what matters most. If you're ready to break through roadblocks and lead with confidence, connect with me today.

Share your biggest takeaway in the comments box. If you know someone who could use a Thursday thought of their own, pass this along.

Lead Boldy. Succeed Brilliantly.

Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.

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