In every business, there’s a pesky invisible force that comes into play around November that temps us to slack off or take it easy for the last few months of the year. Maybe it’s because of the holidays coming up, or maybe it’s because we know the year is quickly coming to and end, but whatever the reason, I’m sure you’ve noticed it in yourself or other employees.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. By following these 5 steps, you can take the bull by the horns and harness the power of you and your HERD to finish the year strong.
1. Review your goals
Where are you at currently? Is is still realistic to hit your goals by the end of the year? If not, what adjustments need to be made? What small changes can you make starting today that will help you move closer to your goals?
2. Know your financials
Are you on track for a strong Q4? Review your financials now so that you’re not caught off guard when the new year hits. After doing a quick review, ask yourself if there are any areas that need to be looked at more thoroughly.
3. Cut out what’s unnecessary
Take a good look at where you spend the majority of your time. Is there anything that you can cut out and pick up next year? Are there certain projects that have sidetracked you from the key business and financial goals you’re trying to hit? If so, cut them out and devote that time to the things that will directly impact your bottom line this quarter.
4. Offer incentives
Are your employees spending more time at the water cooler discussing holiday plans than they are getting their work done? Create some incentives to encourage employees to double down and finish out the year with a bang. This could be in the form of a bonus, gift cards, or extra time off for hitting certain milestones.
5. Avoid multitasking
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can multitask effectively. It’s a myth. If you find yourself doing this often, then post a few sticky notes around your office or on your computer that say something like “focus on the task at hand” or “stop multitasking” to help you remember.
If you need help finishing the year strong in your business, then click here to schedule a free executive consultation. Or, if you’re just curious about how I help executives and their businesses, shoot me a note or give me a quick call. [email protected] or 727-470-0877.
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Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.