by David Quick

Introducing Work Love Bliss: A Mastermind for Couples in Business

Are you and your spouse or significant other in business together? If so, I’m guessing some of the following statements will sound all too familiar:

We never have enough time in the day… There’s always too much to do… Our roles and responsibilities are unclear… We’re tired of doing the grunt work every day… The financial and emotional stress is taking a toll on us… It seems like we can never take a break… We’re always working… I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to actually enjoy the fruits of our labor…

While it’s quite common for couples to go into business together, unfortunately, it’s a lot less common for these couples to thrive in their relationship and business, let alone experience anything close to bliss.

I get it. I’ve been there. My wife (Melissa) and I have experienced all of these feelings and more.  As a married couple in business together over the last 10 years, we’ve experienced the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

That’s why we decided to start Work Love Bliss.

We’re bringing like-minded couples in business together to help each other out and hold each other accountable on a journey toward bliss in work and in love! Work Love Bliss provides a unique structure of regular mastermind sessions, speakers, coaching and planning sessions, as well as the opportunity to build life-long relationships with couples facing the same joys and challenges.

Plus, members get awarded free travel every year to world-class properties!

If you’re a couple in business and you’re ready to ditch the hectic, stress-filled life, and begin working with other couples to find true bliss in both your business and your relationship, then I invite you to connect with us in preparation for our national launch in February (free stay with us at Punta Mita, Mexico private gated resort) or if in the Bloomington, IN area, visit our next monthly Bloomington mastermind session as free guests. (

Additionally, if you want to learn more and speak with me directly about either group, shoot me a note or give me a call. [email protected] or 727-470-0877.

Lead Boldy. Succeed Brilliantly.

Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.

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