by David Quick

Step 2 in Defining Your Core Values

Core Values

Welcome back to our first blog series – a six week look at Defining Core Values for your organization!

Last week I wrote about utilizing the most engaged members of your herd as examples of the types of beliefs, behaviors or traits that could become the Core Values of your organization. By creating a comprehensive list that includes different perspectives, you can see these individuals from multiple points of view.

So, what next?

Start to inspect this list and look for commonalities among the words or phrases you’ve identified. Bucket them in to different groups – about ten is optimal during this step.

Know Bull Tip: Utilize a whiteboard or post-it notes for this exercise to see the groups developing visually.

By synthesizing the list in to ten groups, you start to be able to articulate a general sentiment of where the end result may lead. This sounds simple but taking this process slow and being deliberate about the choices you are making can have a huge impact on the end result and ultimately your business.

Come back next week for more about Defining Core Values when we dive deep in to Step 3 of this 6 Step process.

If you’re curious to know more or need help executing, put some time on my calendar at Strengthen Your Herd.

Lead Boldy. Succeed Brilliantly.

Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.

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