Recently I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker on the Smashing The Plateau podcast with David Shriner-Cahn. David’s podcast helps guide solopreneur business owners to build stable and consistent recurring revenue.
In this episode, one of the topics I discussed with David was how small or single person businesses can create recurring revenue. This can be a hard phase to maneuver and will most definitely require time and work. There is no way around hard work and motivation.
I believe in a three-fold revenue model that is simple, yet highly effective at producing consistent and stable recurring revenue. This three-fold approach is broken down below:
1. Give willingly.
What can you freely give at no charge that will allow a prospective client to get a taste of the value that you will provide? Take whatever service or product you are providing and package it in a trial format.
2. Deliver remarkable work.
Once you have a trial secured, guarantee that you deliver remarkable work. Exceed their expectations and create a big impact. When you do remarkable work, people will refer you and you can ask for referrals.
3. Charge for it.
Determine the value of your work and charge for it. Don’t be shy or feel bad. Know the boundary of what you will offer or give away for free and what you won’t and be able to communicate this boundary clearly. A good way to determine if you pricing is right. Ask yourself: How many people are questioning the dollar amount or telling me no? If I’m getting a bunch of instant yes’s, my pricing is too low.
You can listen to the full podcast by clicking here.
If you need help creating recurring revenue for your business, then click here to schedule a free executive consultation. Or, if you’re just curious about how I help executives and their businesses, shoot me a note or give me a quick call. [email protected] or 727-470-0877.
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Leadership is not just a role. It’s continuous journey of growth and impact.